Thursday, January 6, 2011

happy new year

well i just got to say that wow its been awhile since i last posted and i just got to say that alot has happened. ok first thing is first i got my contract renewed for this semester at school. so this means that i have a job for another six months that pays pretty well. that being said i have also been thinking about quitting Gamestop. the reason being is that for one they're some people there that just dont like me, i know that u cant win over all the people all the time and that you will attract haters in every walk of life but still these people i havent done a thing to. another major think that happened is that my computer kinda blew up, not in the literal sense but you get the picture. so now i have to save up money to get another computer and on top of that i still have to pay off the state and federal gov. man its just a big money sink, and on top of that i still have other problems too, damn...sadface. one day hopefully i wont have all of these problems, though my social life isnt bad which is suprising, i have a new out look on things that has helped me not care about things that happen at school and has helped evoled my personality too. well im about to go to bed i'll try to get update more often
