Monday, August 22, 2011

im bothered

ok shit is hitting the fan, and im a little tired of everything going on right now. Its too much compounding all at once and im getting real sick of it. im tired of doing the same things every day. im tired of people getting mad at me for no reason. im tired of missed oppertunities because people dont want to give out vital info. im even tired of living in the same place that ive lived at since i was born. is it too much to ask for some type of change, im getting to the point were im starting to hate things and people. everyone keeps asking me whats wrong, do u really want to know whats wrong EVERYTHING, thats whats wrong. i cant take a step forward with out the rug getting taken from under me and i fall on my face. im getiting tired of waiting for things and i know people keep telling me good things are going to happen but when, when im dead, cuz thats what is seems to be happening. u know i dont get into regilion a lot because that automatily starts a flame war and i understand that people believe in what they were raised on but i just need help from a higher power to just point me in the right direction and then maybe i can make some head way in my life, but right now im just stuck

Friday, August 12, 2011

my birthday

happy birthday to me, that is all....seriously that's it for the update