Friday, June 1, 2012


Well I'm happy to say that I might be moving out from home. I just need to save some cash up and I'm in there like swimwear. I wonder if my friend is going to tag along and come with me to my place. I thought that it would be kinda cool for her to come along but now I'm thinking thunder and lighting. What I mean by that is yea we will get along pretty well together and she will force me to cook and get over my fear of touching raw meat but the lighting part of it is that we'll but heads a lot and I love her to death but we would have to really get use to being in the same room for long periods of time. I know that I have a lot of different tendencies that she doesn't know about and I know also she does a lot of things that I don't know about but we would have to work it out. By the way she isn't my GF she a friend a close friend, someone that I do a lot for...