Saturday, May 19, 2012

You know part 2

You know I'm not to sure how long I'm going to go with series but it seems to me that it's going to go on for awhile. I'm afraid of what might happen to my friend, she's really depressed and there's nothing I can do to help. She left for the week to go back home and she should be back sometime after next week but I'm afraid that she might not come back not just come back to school, but to not come back at all. You see her BF broke up with her and she's really torn up about it. But before I give you a little bit of details, now they had a conversation maybe like a week ago and he said that he wasn't in love with her any more. She was quite devistated and I understand her feelings with that but with a break up looming she should have been prepared for it to happen . She should have seen it coming and shouldn't have taking it to the extreme that she's taking it to. It's like we're now the opposites. I was super depressed about a lot of things and she was happy as a clam, now that I'm happy she isn't. This bothers me because it seem like when I get close to a girl that I have strong feelings for depending on my state of mind they have the opposite state, and I know that I've mentioned it before but this is the second time this has happened. Now back to what I was saying earlier I'm afraid that she might do something to her self. She sent a mass txt to people saying she was sorry, I shot her a txt back and she hasn't hit me back, this has me very worried. I stopped her last time from doing anything bad but if I can't be near her this time she might follow thru. I'm not sure if I could handle a friend that I have extremely strong feelings for killing them selfs over a boy. The only thing that I can think of is that she needs to figure out that regardless of what happened in the past he has moved on and she should too. It's darkest before the day. I wish she could listen to me, I care too much about her to watch her destroy her self over something small as a guy who has no respect for her. But I just hope and pray that she hasn't done anything bad to her self or anyone else

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